Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Get This Creep Off The Streets For Good

(For being a prick)

Should you see this douche of society, feel free to do the following without fear of prosecution:

*Lure him to you by playing Tears For Fears (he likes that shit) and once he is close, throw a pile of dogshit in his face (make sure it's not human poop because he likes that).

*If he's at the gym, tell him that you would love to spot him while he does his bench presses.  In the middle of his set, when the bar is fully extended above him, charlie-horse his face and run away.

*If you work at a store that he frequents, short him on his change (he's a total cheapskate and will have a crying fit that last for hours).


*Loosen up all the screws on his bike and challenge him to a wheely-popping contest.  Watch as he attempts a trick and ends up eating his handlebars.