Monday, January 17, 2011

"Punk Junk"

I let my lover read my blog for the first time today.  I don't know what to say about this...

(3 days later)
Ok.  I thought about it.  But...

(5 hours later)
I guess that my only concern is that he (surprised?) will think of me in a different fashion.  I mean the Alexis that he knows might not be the same dickhead that is conveyed in this... what do people call these again?  Blogs?  Yes.  The "blog".  I don't want him to read these computerized journal entries (hint hint if you are reading this) and stare at me while I'm sleeping, trying to figure out if I'm some type of sociopath.  The last thing that I need to do is wake up in the middle of the night and have his scrutinizing eyes glued to me while he is sitting in the corner and shivering in his boxer-briefs.  

Speaking of which, and can I say this without looking like a pervert?  I wish that he would "free ball" it sometimes.  I don't think that he has EVER lived on the edge in his entire life when it came to his balls catching a cold.  I free ball it all the time so it's nothing new to me.  Unless I'm wearing a g-string, I can't stand underwear.  Ugh!  Who needs their ass cheeks to be in bras?  How is my ass going to jiggle the same if it's got this huge restrictive barrier around it?  Sure, period panties are a must, but for the rest of the month, I can't be happy unless the ass and crotch is free.

It is such an issue that when I asked him what he would like me to wear to look sexy, he replied "how about underwear".  And to this day I sit in wonder, pondering what type of blood runs through his balls.  Only a control freak would lock up their jewels away from the public eye.  All he is doing is adding another unneeded layer of clothing between he and I.  He thinks it adds to the suspense of undressing.  You want my opinion?  I think that he (and EVERY other guy who religiously wears underwear) is afraid that the day they free ball is the day that they get pantsed in public.  Kind of like how whenever I decide to wear a skirt, it becomes windy outside.  If that's the case, then I understand.  But, who pantses unsuspecting people these days besides me?  

*Hey loverboy.  If you are still reading this, then the next blog I type will be about that thing you do in bed.  You know.  It's that thing where you....