My brother is the WORST travel companion known to humans and aliens alike. He reads and sleeps. Oh wow. I could have done that on my own, thank you very much. The travels start well enough with about five minutes of conversation. And then?
He resumes his geriatric ways and develops a slight case of narcolepsy...
My entertainment is worse than reruns of Nite Court. (I hated that show.) I wonder how much a "travel companion" would cost to employ. I've looked on the Internet and most people who have travel companions are old men looking for whores. Not a bad idea at all. My question is this though. If I were to pay a whore to entertain me, but we didn't have sex, then could I get a discount? Times like these, I wish that God had a direct line on his cell phone because this question is bound to keep me up all night. And you know what that means? Reruns of Nite Court...