Monday, June 6, 2011

Horrible Actors

*I've got to get some shit off of my mind.  Seriously, I'm about to blow a fucking gasket.  The first thing is a little trivia quiz...

Riddle me this:

-What famous actor is my 15th least favorite person to watch on the telly?  Here are some clues for this brain buster.

1.  He was in love with a tranny in a highly acclaimed 1980's flick
2.  He can take a fantastic script and really fucking do it wonders when it comes to shortening my attention span and making me dry heave.
3.  He's the only handicapped person that I know who has been in over a dozen films, playing "normal" characters.

Answer: Forest fuckface Whitaker.  He drives me fucking bonkers.  Seriously, even if the movie is a blockbuster that I realllllly wanted to see, EVEN if he did a cameo in it, I refuse to watch the movie in the theatres.  I might...  MIGHT watch it at home and that's only because my bathroom is so close to the livingroom and if I threw up on myself, I wouldn't feel so bad- like I would had I been in a public venue.  For the record, I loathe Forest Whitaker.  I guess that the biggest question of all is this: Who the fuck's dick did he suck to get all of these roles?  He must LIVE on the casting couch!