Wednesday, February 9, 2011


It started just like 34% of my other ideas.  I was laying in bed pondering the height that it would take to successfully embed my flesh into the pavement below my bedroom window.  Things were pretty rough though seeing as though I was situated on the first floor.  I couldn't even "practice".  My brain started to leak out of my ear and run away from the boredom when all of a sudden, it came to me.  Truth or Dare.  Truth or Dare has been a staple part of my formidable years.  It has always been my go-to game at sleepovers and such.  Since it doesn't come in a box with the age range printed on the side and pamphlet with the rules printed on it, I have decided to reinvent it.  ...While I stayed in bed, of course.  (It was chilly outside.)

Immediately I got on my celly and texted invites.  And surprise surprise, only the ballsy (and fun) people in my life responded with a "YES!"  My favorite player out of the bunch?  My youngest sister.  She is good for a dare in case you were wondering.  And just in case you wanted to start a pick-up game with your own friends, here are the rules:

Dare...  A childhood game reinvented by Yours Truly

Players Needed 2+  (unless you are REALLY lonely and want to play by yourself...)

*Only one player out of the group gets a dare at a time.
*Each dare completed has to be verified by photo, audio, in person or by a credible source (and I mean Jesus and not anyone else)
*Once the dare has been completed, the Daree becomes the Darer and can pick the new Daree.
*Dares must be completed within 72 hours or unless given specific directions. 
*Dares cannot be anything that will directly land the Daree in jail, in a coffin, or in a rehab facility.  If the Daree ends up in any which facility LATER ON, it does not mean that the Darer lost the game.
*Dares cannot be duplicated or altered by the players.
*Dares cannot directly harm a non-player
*Each player can opt out of only ONE dare per game.  In that case, they get a "double dare".  If the player opts out of the double dare, then they lose.

And that's that.  You might be asking yourself: "Well, what the hell am I going to win in the end, Alexis?"
The answer?  You get to keep your balls.

I've been playing the Dare game off and on now for several months and sometimes I question to myself "What the hell am I doing walking around in the dead of summer with these bulky winter gloves on?"  It is then when I realize that I am taking a break from the uptight and pretentious "American Dream".  I am taking a break from my current quarter-life crisis.  I am taking a break from living like all the other shmucks that are worried about what people think of them.  I am taking a break from responsibility and I'm having fun.

 Some of the dares that we have done so far:

* Deface a movie ad in the subway (child's play... Yawn...)
* Take a shit in each bathroom of the house and let it marinate until someone else finds it.
*In my sister's house (which had 7 people living in it) my sister hid all of the silverware except for ONE place setting and kept it like that for three days.  Everyone was ripshit.
*Wear a shirt inside out for the entire day (too easy for school)
*My friend was working at the Capitol in D.C. at the time and I dared him to take off his shoes and dress socks and have a photo shoot in his cubicle during office hours.  He did.
*Some hoity toity actors were having a sit-down on the deck of a lavish apartment building next to my job, so I dared my friend to throw tomatoes at them.  Successful.

And the list goes on.  And on...