I found my mojo the other day for a whopping five minutes. At first I thought that I was peeing my pants. Upon inspection, I started to revel in the joy that only someone stranded in the Mojave would express should they fall upon a pool of water. I was overjoyed and ready to bump some uglies. So I go up to SSL and tell him to do me. And what does he say? It doesn't really matter. His face said a thousand words.
So what did I do?
On my way to the gym to let out all of that extra sexual energy, I sat my naked fat ass right on his pillow. You don't want to have sex? Fine. Have fun inhaling my ASS! Sweet dreams. SSL would make the worst hooker. I've told him this over and over. What's a relationship without sex? I'll tell you. It's pretty much living with your friend. ...Your prudish, stingy with their junk, crotch-tease, incapable of being ruffied, friend.