Well.... Since our kid is still drooling and shitting in diapers, SSL and I have not (as neurotic parents say) "baby-proofed" our place. I could have a bunch of samurai swords laying around and rest easy knowing that my little monster can't yet reach them. While he is still confined to the places that I put him, a world where everything is padlocked and disinfected has not conjured it's way into my brain.
Recently though, my sister, who has a four year old, came to visit us. The day before their arrival I cleaned and hid inappropriate shit. I couldn't imagine what exactly influences the sponge like brain of a four year old, so I put up the normal shit. All of my vitamin bottles were sealed extra tight and put out of reach in the back of the counter. My machete and switchblade were placed on top of a shelving unit, thank God, because while I was doing that, I found some of SSL's random DVDs that needed to be put away too. I was in a hurry to vacuum so I just threw the DVDs in our bedroom. They landed right on top of a Tupperware container and since I was so amazed that I had such great aim, I guess that I lost my train of thought...
So in walks my family. We are just hanging out and bullshitting, talking about a bunch of nothing. My sister's kid, being the precocious, DVD loving four year old, goes through all of my DVDs in the living room. When that was over, he kind of fiddled around with some action figures that I had laying around. Just like him though, I'd get bored and search for more treasure. So he walks into my bedroom and the reflection from the back of a random DVD catches his eye. Like a magnet, he walks over to the DVD, and as he is flipping it over, I saw and yelled out
"Casey, NOOOOOO!!!!!"
Too late, he sees it, makes a funny face, and (bless his heart) says
"This isn't for me..."
So my sister (his mother), sees my reaction and wonders what the hell he just saw. She walks over, picks up the DVD, turns it over and sees this:
...Apparently I was so amazed that I landed the DVD on the Tupperware from across the room, that I forgot why I was putting it in my bedroom in the first place...
So much for being aunt of the year.